Privacy Policy Overview

At Accumed Bpo, safeguarding the privacy of our website users is a top priority. Our commitment to responsible data management is outlined in this privacy policy, specifically addressing the collection, utilization, and protection of personal information on Below is a condensed summary of key aspects

Personal Information Collection

    Accumed Bpo gathers personal details, such as names, emails, and phone numbers, when users sign up for trials or subscriptions.

    IP addresses are automatically logged for diagnostic and geographical analysis.

Cookies and Tracking Technologies

    Cookies (session and persistent) enhance user experience and personalize content.

    Third-party monitoring services may utilize cookies, with user preferences manageable.

Behavioral Targeting/Re-Targeting

Third-party partnerships enable targeted advertising on external websites using cookies and web beacons.

Information Sharing and Disclosure

    Personally identifiable information may be shared under specific circumstances, like legal requirements or violations of terms.

    Demographic data may be shared with consent.

Security Measures

Accumed Bpo adheres to industry standards and federal laws for information protection, though absolute security cannot be guaranteed.

Customer Testimonials

Customer testimonials with personal details may be posted with explicit customer consent.

Links to Other Sites

Accumed Bpo is not responsible for the privacy practices of third-party sites linked from our website.


Users can refer others, and Accumed Bpo may collect and use referred individuals' information with consent.

Data Aggregation Services and De-identified Data:

Protected health information may be used for data aggregation services and de-identified data creation, complying with HIPAA regulations.

Changes and Updates

The privacy policy may undergo changes, and users are encouraged to periodically review it for the latest information.

Contact Information

Users can reach Accumed Bpo via phone or email for queries, suggestions, or concerns related to the privacy policy or terms of service.

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Feel free to reach out anytime; we're here to help and listen.

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